Introduction, Welcome Window & Interface Inpage Lecture 1


Hello, dear friends! I hope you are well. In today's lecture, we will learn about Inpage.
Inpage is an Urdu Word Processor. Which is used to create Urdu documents while there are also options to create documents in English, Pashtu, and Sindhi. The Extension of Inpage is ".inp". 

Welcome Window

In the welcome window of Inpage, you will find a new document popup box. In this box, you will find options about Page Size, Orientation, Number of Pages, Margins, Text Direction, etc. 

Page Size

There are three page sizes which are mostly used to create documents in inpage. These page sizes are

  1. A4
  2. Letter
  3. Legal
  4. Folio

A4 is mostly available for printing purposes in Pakistan so this is the most used paper size for Inpage.


You can use the page in both orientations "Portrait" and "Landscape" in Inpage.


Margin is a specific empty space that is left on four sides of the page left, right, top, and bottom.

Interface of Inpage

Following is the interface of  Inpage

Title Bar

Highlights name of Inpage document.

Windows Controls

Shows buttons to minimize, restore, and close documents.

Menu Bar

Provide commands to work on the document.

Ribbon Bar

Highlights different commands for text and object modes.

Tools Box

Provide different tools to create documents.

Master Button

Provide master button commands

Pages Scroll

Controls page scrollings

Page Zoom

Provide different levels of document zoom.

Scroll Bar

Controls page scrollings

Status Bar

Show current status and command details.

Language Selection

Provide an option to toggle between different languages

Page (Working Area)

The area where the document will be created.