The design or text style of text characters is called font. There is a large number of fonts included in MS Word. Some famous fonts names are
- Calibri
- Times New Roman
- Verdana
- Arial
- Arial Black
- Monotype Corsiva
- Georgia
Font Size: This command is used to Adjusts the size of the text characters.
Bold:This command is use to Makes the text thicker and darker for emphasis.
Italic:This command is used to Slants the text to the right for emphasis or style.
Underline:This command draw a line beneath the text or character.
Strikthrough:This command in MS Word is used to Draws a line through the text, often used to indicate deletion.
Subscript:This command is used to Lowers the text slightly below the baseline.
Superscript:This command Raises the text slightly above the baseline.
Change Case:This command change the capitlazing of text in MS Word.
Text Highlight Color: This option is used to highlight the sentence of a paragraph in a document by using background color.
Font Color:This command is used to change the characters color.
Clear Formatting:This command Removes all text formatting, to default styles.
Grow Font: This command increases the font size incrementally.
Shrink Font: This command decreases the font size incrementally.
Effects: These are the Special text effects like shadow, outline, emboss, etc.
Character Spacing: This option Adjusts the space between text characters.
Expand: This command is used to Increases the space between Text characters.
Condensed: This command in MS Word is used to Decreases the space between characters.
Raised: This command moves the text slightly above the baseline without changing its size.
Lowered: This command moves the text slightly below the baseline without changing its size.